Create with us!
Indian Summer Press is looking to publish long-form comics across genres, subject matter and styles, for a diverse and discerning reading audience.
We want to work collaboratively with authors to develop fresh and unique work that will be a pleasure to read. Read more about our ethos and approach here.
The creative vision of authors will be the driving force of the work we publish — and creators will always own the copyright of their work — but an editor will serve as a necessary guide and coach.
The Submissions Process
If you have an idea, pitch it to us. We’ll give you a frank opinion on it.
If a pitch has potential, we will proceed with crafting it into a concrete proposal.
A successful proposal will lead to a signing - a contractual agreement - and the creation of a publishing plan.
This plan will be a detailed breakdown of the schedule, milestones, and deadlines for the project, culminating in a target publication date. An editor will lead the author team to create the ideal plan.
It may take several drafts and rewrites for a proposal to reach a signing, and it is likely that some proposals will not reach the next stage.
We welcome pitches from artist-writers (those who both write and draw) or artist-writer teams. Please take a look at what we'd like to see as part of a pitch and email us at ftlocllp@gmail.com.
If you are a writer seeking an artist collaborator or an artist seeking a writer, please instead fill out this form and we'll be in touch.
What makes a pitch?
A pitch should contain a short, one-paragraph (three or four sentences), summation of the most important facets of your story.
A couple of those lines could be about the plot (“terrorized by bandits, a remote village hires mercenaries to protect them”) and the style/tone (“an action adventure, but also a study of heroism”).
The other lines should be about the intended audience and the length of the finished work.
Pitches should contain at least one piece of sample artwork. This doesn’t have to be for the story being pitched, or in comics, but it would be great if it was.
Pitches should contain at least one piece of sample writing. Again, the sample doesn’t have to be related to the pitch, or in comics, but it would be great if it was.
Please email us your pitches at ftlocllp@gmail.com with the word "pitch" included in your subject line.